Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Sweet Ben

I am constantly writing blog posts in my head.  I know that it doesn't seem that way from the serious lack of posts...but one post that keeps running through is a dedication to my sweet man.

It's funny how having 8 kids can really help you appreciate the man God has given you as a life partner!  He could have blessed me with anyone but he picked Ben, and I am so thankful for him.  A man who shares my love for kids, chaos, and spontaneity!  This Christmas Ben was given a poem by a student in his class that just sums it up.  

Mr. Johnston Is Cool!

Mr. Johnston is my teacher.
He is awesome in every way.
He helps me with each subject, so that I get an A.
He helps me with my diabetes even though I am new.
'Cause guess what, he has it too!
He helps me with my "gluten free" which means I can't eat wheat,
but he can't eat it either...isn't that neat?!
He taught us kickball and football.
It is SO Fun!
We give him a high five when we are done!
He can kick a ball farther than anyone in the school.
There are 4 words I want to say:
Mr. Johnston IS COOL!


Thank you Lord for blessing us with this super cool man, we love him!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Just what a Mommy wants to hear

As I was tucking the girls in tonight Isabelle said she had a problem.  She just "COULD NOT get that team member praise song out of her head from church on Sunday"!

Wow!  Now that is exactly the kind of problem this Mommy wants all her kids to have.  Thank you Lord!

The kids DO listen...sometimes anyway...

Tonight I was watching the one show that seems to have sucked me in, The Bachelor.  Now I know this is due to my inability to avoid a love story even if it does have a ridiculously crazy beginning.  I just can't help myself though, so back to the point.

TV commercials are just plain horrid.  They are one of the biggest reasons our kids should not watch, and don't need TV.  Even my two year old knows that.  Eli walked past as a yuck commercial came on and before I could change the channel he says, "dis not appropriate Mama".  Well said Eli!