Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend this year! Grandma and Grandpa came down from MN on Monday and stayed until Friday, so we had a nice long visit. The girls did a wee bit o' shopping, we had new photos taken of the 3 little ones, and installed a new kitchen faucet (thanks Grandpa).

On Saturday we attended the Blue Santa Parade downtown with some friends and that is what the pictures here are from. We are missing the girls and one little one, due to other people being in the picture and not sure if they can be on the blog. Had a great time and kids love giving a gift to kids who need it. Blue Santa represents the police department, and their gift drive every year.

Eli was given a puppy by a fireman and was very pleased with it! He seemed very intrigued this year with all the sights and sounds. The highlight for us original "small towners" is always the big balloon type friends. They are so huge!

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